JobAct® Impulso in Florence 2017

The second stage of Impulso

Job Coaching and Gym of Initiative

After the Primière of November 30th 2017, the 31 participants continued their “journey” with the Job Coaching and Initiave Workshop until 7 December.

The aim of the activity is to exercise and develop entrepreneurship to "see beyond and generate ideas" for their professional future. In working groups, the participants experimented with the tool of the Business Model Canvas, they explored the prospect of self-employment and what it means to study the market, they met young entrepreneurs, who shared their story and their experience.

The third stage of Impulso

Problem Solving and Design Thinking Lab. Another great performace of the group!

Thanks to the Problem Solving and Design Thinking techniques to develop ideas and manage projects, the participants, organized in 8 teams, faced the challenge of analyzing and resolving business cases proposed by a pool of companies, partners of the project, for 4 weeks in January 2018.

The groups presented their projects to the companies on February 2nd2018 at the headquarters of the Fondazione CR Firenze.

The projects:

  • Fondazione Teatro della Toscana
    Communication and promotion of the museum activities of the La Pergola Theater
  • Fondazione Teatro della Toscana
    Strategies for the commercial enhancement of the training activities of the “Accademia dell’Uomo”
  • We like Tuscany Tour operator
    Opportunities for internationalization on the Chinese market
  • Fondazione Studio Marangoni
    Models for strengthening the Foundation's cultural identity
  • A Casa Ca.fe Bistrot
    A new concept for relaunching the aperitif
  • Centro Commerciale Naturale Le Cure
    Organizational practices for the management of animation events in the Natural Shopping Center
  • Lottozero
    Development lines for a new business model for the textile laboratory

The fourth and final stage

The field trial: the internships in 28 companies

Between February and May 2018, the participants start to test themselves inside companies for 2 months. The business sectors: culture, social, education, tourism, ICT, fashion, communication, services to businesses.

We are waiting for them to know their future!

The Opening Night of “Odissea 30” was a big success

We had to wait 15 minutes to begin the performance, because the theatre was sold out and people took time to find their seat. The queue went from the Theatre to the Dome of Florence and we had to send some people away.

The day before, we had a great general rehearsal, but the première was perfect anyway, even better then the day before. All participants gave their best and everybody went over their limit and grew as the performance went on.

A great evening, a great event, a great opportunity for all those who believe in the creative future of Europe.


Quotes from the participants of Progetto #IMPULSO

  • Alessandra Bonelli
    Non avevo mai fatto teatro e quando ti dicono che cura l'anima hanno proprio ragione, ed ora capisco perché. Tramite il teatro mi sto riscoprendo, riapprezzando e confrontando. Sto sentendo la fatica e la sperimentazione, sto costruendo un qualcosa passo dopo passo, movimento dopo movimento, battuta dopo battuta. Oggi ho scoperto di avere una bella voce, ieri ero una sirena, una settimana fa ero un masso pesante e quando abbiamo iniziato non avrei mai immaginato di essere così versatile. Grazie IMPULSO!

    “I had never been playing in a theatre and they are right when they say that it can cure your soul, now I understand why. Through theatre I am rediscovering myself, appreciate again and confronting myself. I start feeling the fatigue and the experimentation. I am building something, step by step, movement after movement, one line after the other. Today, I discovered I have a beautiful voice, yesterday I was a mermaid, one week ago I was a heavy rock and when we started I would have never imagined to be so versatile. Thank you #IMPULSO”

  • Diana De Amicis
    Il progetto è entusiasmante!
    Un percorso formativo che in poco tempo ha creato spirito di gruppo, collaborazione reciproca e ha fatto emergere da ognuno di noi coraggio e risorse personali mai coltivate. Il simbolismo della rappresentazione teatrale fa riflettere su noi stessi e su un diverso modo di affrontare gli ostacoli della vita. Un grande gruppo di professionisti ci segue e ci sta dimostrando che, con semplicità, dal nulla può nascere un lavoro originale basato sull'equilibrio e l'armonia dei diversi elementi.

    “Such an exciting project!
    A training course that in a short time created a group spirit of mutual collaboration and brought out in each of us the courage and never nurtured personal resources. The symbolism of the Odyssey makes us think about ourselves and about a different way to face the obstacles in life. A great group of professionals is following us and is showing us that, spontaneously an original project can come from nothing, based on the equilibrium and on the harmony of the different elements.”

  • Elisabetta Notarnicola
    Si dice che il teatro sia un'ottima palestra per il corpo e per la mente. E questo laboratorio rappresenta per me la possibilità di dedicare del tempo, tanto, all'ascolto. Monitorare le emozioni e cercare di averne il controllo, ad ogni esibizione, ad ogni proposta di confronto e di condivisione. Un invito ad avere fiducia, soprattutto negli altri, e sperimentare con coraggio il gesto e la percezione dell'agire in un contesto privo di giudizio. Felice di far parte della ciurma e prontissima a sguainare la spada contro i miei mostri interiori.

    “They say theatre is a good gym both for the body and the mind. This workshop represents for me the possibility to dedicate a great amount of time to “listening”. Checking my emotions and trying to control them, in each show and in each proposal of comparison and sharing. An invitation to trust, especially the others, and to experiment with courage the gesture and the perception of the act in a non-judgmental context. Very happy to be part of the crew and ready to draw the sword against my interior monsters.”

  • Mario Zambardino
    È molto stimolante questo nuovo percorso che sto intraprendendo tramite il Vivaio per l'Intraprendenza: L'approccio originale ma allo stesso tempo in contatto con il mondo classico, il mescolarsi di idee tra docenti e corsisti, il mettersi in contatto sia con gli altri ed anche con te stesso, sono tutte attività che aiutano ad affinare la propria professionalità e la propria inventiva. Mettersi in gioco tramite uno spettacolo teatrale è solo una delle tante sfumature che possono essere acquisite tramite un percorso formativo che sarà sicuramente utile per chi, come me, intende lavorare nel mondo dei creativi.

    “This new course I am undertaking thanks to Vivaio per l’Intraprendenza is very stimulating. The original approach and at the same time the contact with the world of classics, the mix of ideas between trainers and trainees, getting in touch with the others and with oneself, they are all activities that help us to sharpen our professionalism and our creativeness. To put ourselves out there starting a training course will certainly be useful for those, like me, who intend to work in a creative profession.”

  • Viola Ganetti
    Impulso è un'esperienza di vita che ti scuote dall'interno e ti costringe a rivalutarti giorno per giorno.

    “#IMPULSO is a life experience that shakes you from inside out and it forces you to re-assess yourself every day.”

  • Matteo Baldini
    Ritengo che, fin dal primissimo momento, sia emersa una coesione evidente nel gruppo e che questa si sia tradotta nel lavoro teatrale e nella costruzione dello spettacolo, dando una bella spinta alla voglia personale di mettersi in gioco e di superare timori e possibili pregiudizi iniziali. Al di là del lavoro sullo spettacolo è emerso un confronto costante tra esperienze e personalità spesso affini o connesse, più di quanto si potesse immaginare a priori.

    “I believe that, from the very first moment, a strong group cohesion emerged and this took to the theatre work and to the preparation of the show, giving a strong “IMPULSE” to the personal desire of getting involved and to overcome fears and potential initial biases. Beyond the work on the show, emerged a continuous exchange between experiences and personalities more similar and more connected than it could be imagined in advance.”

  • Stefania Innocenti
    Il progetto impulso ti spinge, con gioia e con dolore, a metterti alla prova sia da solo che in gruppo. Un'ottima palestra per imparare a reagire alle difficoltà quotidiane.

    “#IMPULSO forces you, with joy and with pain, to test yourself both all alone and in a group. A great gym to learn to react to daily difficulties”



The Voyage, The Choice, The Future

Première in Florence on 30th November 2017

After four weeks of intensive rehearsals, we are ready and expecting the last week, the week of the opening night of our “Odissea 30” in Florence, to which 31 young people have contributed providing their creative energy and inspiring talent. Since last week, the opening night is sold out! On Thursday, 30th of November at 20:30h, we expect round about 350 spectators in Teatro Niccolini.

Location: Theater Niccolini Firenze •

Third and fourth week Impulso in Florence

Rehearsals for the premiere:

Second week Impulso in Florence

From the participants:

Si dice che il teatro sia un'ottima palestra per il corpo e per la mente, perciò parto dal corpo.
Non ho mai avvertito una pesantezza nè fisica nè mentale nell'aver affrontato sei ore di esercizi che richiedevano comunque una buona concentrazione e dose di coraggio. Per ciò che riguarda la nostra parte più intima, ogni esibizione è stata un buon mezzo per monitorare le emozioni e cercare di averne il controllo. Non nascondo che mi è sempre battuto il cuore prima di andare in scena e non è la prima volta che faccio teatro.

They say theatre is a great gym for the body and for the mind, therefore I start from the body. I never felt tired physically nor mentally after six hours of exercises that required a good concentration and a great deal of courage. As to our most inner part, each show was a good way to check the emotions and trying to control them. I cannot deny that my heart has always beaten like crazy before going on stage, and this is not my first time on stage.

Per quanto riguarda invece la scelta di interpretare dei canti dell'Odissea, non solo trovo che sia attinente al progetto, quanto necessaria perchè dotata di senso, fonte di introspezione. Credo infatti che indipendentemente dalla storia personale di ognuno di noi, poter fare i conti con i propri mostri interiori sia un'occasione preziosa di riflessione. E aggiungo, per quanto difficile mi sembri nella pratica, di essere disposta anche ad interpretare Scilla - il mio ego che tutto distrugge quando si sente minacciato. L'unica difficoltà è sempre svelarsi agli altri parlando di sè ma l'assenza di una imposizione da parte vostra ha reso ogni esternazione più indolore. Per questo ringrazio, per la mancanza di giudizio e per il vostro sorriso sempre accogliente.

As to the choice to stage the Odyssey Songs, not only they are related to the project, but necessary because it has a sense and it is a source of introspection. I believe that, regardless the personal history of each of us, to be able to come to terms with one’s interior monsters is a precious opportunity to consider. Moreover, as difficult as it may seem in practice, to be willing to play the role of Scilla, my ego that ruins everything when feels threatened. The only difficulty is to reveal ourselves to the others, but the freedom you left us made all revelation painless. I would like to thank you for this, for not being judgmental and for your always welcoming smile.

  • Rappresentano il vero invito ad avere fiducia e mi fanno felice di far parte della ciurma.
    They were the best invitation to be trustful and make me happy to be part of the crew.

  • La settimana appena trascorsa è stata ricca di emozioni e scoperte. Abbiamo attraverso molte fasi ma insieme si riesce a far tutto, persino scendere nell Ade e poi riemergere. Con il trascorre dei giorni cresce la consapevolezza del nostro corpo e delle nostre capacità, stiamo vivendo un'esperienza unica! Sarà l'Odissea più bella di sempre!!!
    Last week was full of emotions and discoveries. We went throuhg several phases but together we can do anything, even go down to ADE/Hell and be able to come back. As days go by, the consciusness of our body and of our abilities grows. We are living a unique experience! This will be the most beautiful Odyssey of ever!!!


  • Settimana stimolante e avvincente, bella anche l‘ idea della lettura in successione che ha reso il lavoro sul testo maggiormente interessante!
    Exciting and gripping week, I also liked the idea of reading the text in the logical order, this made our work far more interesting!


  • Impressioni sulla seconda settimana: statue parlanti, la discesa agli inferi e l'incontro con Dante. Le Sirene...arriva sempre il momento in cui si deve superare una prova da soli, senza l'aiuto di nessuno...Scilla e Cariddi...Elios le vacche e le risate.
    Impressions on the second week: talking statues, the descent to hell and meeting with Dante, the Mermaids…. You always come to the moment in which you have to overcome a challenge all by yourself, without anybody’s help. Scilla and Cariddi, Elios and his cows, and the laughs.


First week

A few days into the project, we turn on the participants’ enthusiasm for acting and they find several different possibilities to present themselves. We have the title of our performance:

The Journey – The Choice – The Future

On Friday November 3rd, we have the first jobcoaching workshop, transferring the theatre journey the participants are going through into their personal life experience. Finding the red ribbon connecting all the dots.

Casting and start

JobAct IMPULSO started with a big bang the 25th of October in Florence. The promotion was very successful and we had 124 applicants, of which 47 took part in the Casting.

After a hard selection we started with 31 participants on Monday 30th of October. Our working topic is the Odyssey by Homer and the journey goes on until November 30th , when we will have our debut in Teatro Niccolini.

JobAct® Impulso in Florence

This autumn we are launching a new project in Italy.

On 30th of October 2017 JobAct Impulso will start in Florence.

The project is sponsored by:

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Firenze

Our partner organization in Florence:

Vivaio l'Intraprendenza

After four weeks intensive theatre training the play will be staged on the 30th of November 2017 in Teatro Niccolini: